Arlington Thrive is deeply committed to enhancing food security in Arlington, ensuring that all residents have access to nutritious and affordable food. Arlington Thrive actively works towards this goal through various events and programs that provide immediate food relief and aim to increase nutritional literacy within the community. Here’s how Arlington Thrive is making a significant impact: 

Meals to Thrive On 

What started as an idea to cultivate experiences for the community to gather around food and address food security, has now turned into a beloved series of events that brings in chefs from across Arlington County, creating and demonstrating healthy recipes that are budget-friendly, accessible, and delicious.  

In partnership with Breadcoin, Meals to Thrive On provides each attendee with a grocery gift card, Breadcoin, and the opportunity to tap into local food resources through our staff. 

Thanks to the Food Lion Feeds Charitable Foundation’s (FLFCF) generosity, we can continue serving our neighbors. Read more about FLFCF and how their support impacts Arlington here. 

Access Our Healthy Recipes in English and Spanish

Savoring Community 

At Arlington Thrive, we know that to care for a community, everybody must come together. We are incredibly grateful for our 

partnerships, including our newest partnership with Fito Garcia, founder of Inca Social, a local restaurant serving delicious Peruvian food.  

For our first ever Savoring Community event, Inca Social graciously donated 111 healthy meals to our clients and partners. Each meal consisted of Peruvian chicken, rice, and salad – a delicious meal our clients could reserve at no charge.